What are the contents of the Holy Qur’an?

The Holy Quran is the text. It is what Allah says. The Quran should be memorized and recited daily by every Muslim. Every Muslim family wants their children to memorize the Quran, become accustomed to reciting it, and listen to it every day, so they need ways to get them to love it and recite it every day. As Allah teaches: and read the Qur’an aloud.

Every day, Allah sends us His friend, the Holy Qur’an. This book is interesting because it is full of stories, useful because it contains a lot of advice and many laws that restrict it. The meaning of the holy Qur’an generally is that it teaches us how to deal with everything and how to do everything.

In the first verse of the Qur’an, Allah says: Beginning with Allah’s name, the creator of everything, read. He made man from a mass that was hanging, like a leech, in the womb of his mother. Read and your Lord is Most Generous, who taught man how to read and write with a pen and taught him everything else he didn’t know.

These are the themes of the Holy Qur’an:

  • 1. The primary focus is on Allah Himself: “The Mighty, the Wise, inspire thee and those before thee” (42:1).The Holy Qur’an is the word and book of Allah, our creator.Qur’an fixes the connection among Allah and us, as His workers,”God is benevolent to His workers; According to Quran 42:18, “He is the mighty, the glorious, and He provides whom He will.””God is above all his creations because he created heaven and other things.” In addition, God created day and night and gave man the ability to distinguish between good and evil. 34).
  • 2. The second theme asserts that man has free will and the ability to choose. The Qur’an says that Allah watches us and leads us to the right path. We can choose, and even if we choose the wrong path, Allah will forgive us if we show that we are sorry.”gives them more of His grace and answers the prayer of those who believe and act rightly; However, those who do not believe, “for them is keen torment” (Quran 42: 25).
  • 3. The prophets are the third theme.The prophets’ lives and the ways in which they lived, acted, and spread Allah’s message are frequently discussed in the Holy Qur’an.Allah declares: In addition to God, the prophets can be found both on earth and in heaven (Quran 21:22). Muhammad is a great example of a prophet. Abraham was another one who was called a prophet (The Quran, 19:42).
  • 4. Sin or evil is the fourth theme. Man was endowed with free will and the ability to distinguish between good and evil. Men will be brought to their knees and dragged into hell for their sin (19:70).Because the Iblis is always on the lookout for the man, the Quran warns him to keep an eye out for him.We must stay on the right path that Allah lays out for us in His book, and if we get lost, we will get back to Him as soon as we can because He is Al Ghaffar and forgave us.
  • 5. According to this theme, the Holy Qur’an contains divine writings. These scriptures assist us, direct us, and close us off from Allah. They strengthen our connection to the religion. They keep us from committing sin. Man is able to operate in accordance with the will of God thanks to the divine scriptures, which serve as a guide for him. Through divine scriptures, God’s mercy and the prophets’ work are made known.

The Holy Quran is divided into 114 Surahs, or chapters, with individual Ayaat, or verses, in each chapter. The Holy Quran has a total of 6,348 verses. The Surahs vary in length, with some lasting just a few lines and others many pages. With 287 verses, Surah al Baqarah (Ch. 2) is the longest Chapter, while Surah al Kauthar (Ch. 108) has the fewest verses, including the tasmia, and is the shortest.

When it was written, the Quran was divided into 30 para, or Juz. The primary objective of dividing the Quran’s Surahs into Juz or Para is to facilitate easy memorization and reading. There are sixty Hizb in the Quran, each of which is half of the length of the Juz or para. Each Juz has a distinct number of verses.

Last but not least, this is the Holy Qur’an. Since the Holy Qur’an is Allah’s book, we must comprehend its meaning. It is sacred scripture, which is scripture. The holy Qur’an is sent to us by our prophet and messenger, Muhammad, by Allah. It includes everything that the Qur’an has mentioned about our lives and the lives of people who have gone before us in all worlds.

Learning the Quran is required for all Muslims. It is very important. It teaches us lessons and how to act. Learning it on smartphones, tablets, and video stories is becoming increasingly appealing as technology advances. People now prefer to learn more at home and have strong social connections to support online learning. As a result, it is time to alter this reality. The Quran is meant to be a daily routine. Technology should be used to benefit children, especially parents.

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