Software vs. Hardware

Physical equipment (hardware), virtualization, management systems, automation tools, operating systems, and other system software and applications used to perform essential functions are all components of information technology (IT). Client gadgets, peripherals and programming can be remembered for the IT space. IT can likewise allude to the designs, techniques and guidelines overseeing the utilization and capacity … Read more

Information Technology

Computer systems, software, programming languages, and the processing and storage of data and information are all included in the related field of information technology (IT). IT frames part of data and interchanges innovation (ICT). What is information technology? Data innovation (IT) is the utilization of any PCs, stockpiling, organizing and other actual gadgets, framework and … Read more

Islamic world

Islamic world, the complex of social orders and societies in which Muslims and their confidence have been predominant and socially prevailing. Islamism is a worldwide phenomenon: Muslims prevail in nearly 30 to 40 nations, from the Atlantic toward the east to the Pacific and along a belt that stretches across northern Africa into Focal Asia … Read more

How to Help Palestine US Resident

For some, seeing the obliteration of Gaza and the terrible violations of Israel has prompted a condition of sadness and vulnerability. Many are uncertain of how to help Palestinians, and explicitly Gaza, as the progression of gifts and help is troublesome. Notwithstanding, as US inhabitants, there are many moves you can make to help Palestinians. … Read more

Reading The Quran On General And Daily Life

By developing a strong relationship with the Quran, every Muslim ought to have a strong connection to it. This can only take place if you recite the Quran every day. Reciting the Quran’s surahs on a daily basis actually has numerous advantages. The following are examples: 1- Source of Guidance and Light in our Daily … Read more

Importance of Namaz For Muslims

One of Islam’s two most important pillars is referred to as “namaz,” “salah,” or simply praying. The act of worshiping their Creator, ALLAH SWT, as prescribed in the Holy Quran, should be encouraged by all Muslims. Sadly, despite prayers being regarded as such an essential part of a believer’s life, the vast majority of Muslims … Read more

Medina Munawra

Saudi Arabia Medina, city situated in the Hejaz area of western Saudi Arabia, around 100 miles (160 km) inland from the Red Ocean and 275 miles (445 km) from Mecca by street. It is the second holiest city in Islam, after Mecca.Medina, Saudi Arabia.Medina is praised as the spot from which Muhammad laid out the … Read more


shrine, Mecca, Saudi Arabia Kaaba, hallowed place situated close to the focal point of the Incomparable Mosque in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, and considered by Muslims wherever to be the most holy spot on The planet. In accordance with the Qur’an’s command, Muslims orient themselves toward this small shrine during the five daily prayers, bury their … Read more

The Prophet’s Life in Brief

Birth and Development Muhammad was born on Rabi Awwal 12, 570 CE, in Makkah. He lost his father before he was born. Muhammad was given to a Bedouin wet nurse so that she could raise him in the desert’s healthy environment. Muhammad returned to his mother Aminah bint Wahb’s care at the age of five, … Read more